After 20 events from just 8 Athletes, our team (#teamfare) pulled off an amazing performance over the WA State Championship weekend. With only a few weeks away until the National Athletics Event, the team is in good shape. MEDALISTS Noah: 400m Hurdles (under 20’s) – SILVER Noah: 400m Sprint (under […]
Kyra: Women’s 800m Under 20’s Final – GOLD
WA State Gold Medalist Kyra Pilmer in the Womens 800m under 20’s, setting a new personal best (PB) of 2:09.48
Kyra: Women’s 400m Under 20’s Final – GOLD
Gold in the 800m and now Gold in the 400m, what a fantastic start to Kyra’s State Championship campaign.
Kyra: 400m Womens WA State Gold Medalist
Well what can you say, that was some of the best running you will see, what a performance from Kyra. Winning the WA State 400m finals by over 50m, Kyra has comfortably given herself a great advantage for the National Event in Adelaide, which will be one to watch. Kyra […]
Thomas: 200m Hurdles WA State Gold Medalist
Wow what an outstanding performance from Thomas in the Under 16 Mens 200m Hurdles (76.2cm) winning the WA STATE GOLD Medal and recording a Personal Best by nearly half a second. With only 2 hurdles to go Thomas pulled out some extra power and excelerated to the front to score […]